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Introducing Datathon, UMass Boston’s newest club dedicated to bringing data science and machine learning education on campus!

Led by President Isabella Rasku-Casas, a sophomore studying computer science, and Treasurer Shannon Joyce, an IT major. Datathon aims to make data science and machine learning accessible to everyone at UMass Boston by offering a platform for learning, exploration, and hands-on experience.

Datathon stands out by providing members with industry-standard projects to enhance their resumes, fostering an environment for learning and exploration, and embracing inclusivity by welcoming students from all backgrounds.

Isabella and Shannon both spent their summers in a rigorous machine learning and data science course at MIT. Isabella is set to present her AI Studio Project with Verizon at their headquarters soon. Additionally, she was a member of the NASA MITTIC competition-winning team last spring.

Shannon is equally passionate about data science and is preparing to present her AI Studio Project with Mathworks. She is an active CodePath student and passionate about Cybersecurity.

Join Datathon to explore the extensive possibilities of data science, machine learning, artifical intelligence and become the next generation of data enthusiasts!

Join us for our first meeting om December 1st, 2023 at 3:00 pm – Wheatley 02-0061 (Engineering room). Learn about long short-term neural networks and construct your own stock predictor. No prior experience is needed, and refreshments will be available!

Stay connected by following us on Instagram: @DatathonUmb. Or add our server on discord - find it in the Umass Boston student hub or in our instagram bio.